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What does “in perpetuity” mean in a contract?

The short answer: Forevvvvvvvver. Webster’s Dictionary defines the term as “for all time : forever.” When you see “in perpetuity” in a contract, it’s usually referring to the release of rights. In a blogger/brand contract, it’s usually referencing the release of rights to images, videos, and any content you create as part of the collaboration.

Is a contract perpetual or finite?

It's not always obvious, however, whether a contract is perpetual or finite. For example, consider a contract that doesn't include a specified time period or an explicit outline of rights pertaining to contract termination. The contract, however: Contains certain provisions which are designated "essential terms"

Can a contract with a perpetuity clause last forever?

A contract with a perpetuity clause can potentially last forever. Some publishers seek to lock up rights to writers' books by asking for the rights "in perpetuity," for instance. Business-to-business agreements rarely use the word "perpetual," but often include clauses with the same effect.

What are the benefits of Perpetual Contracts?

The primary benefit of Perpetual Contracts is that you are allowed to hold them indefinitely. The lack of an expiration or execution date means that even when prices move against your position, you are not immediately stuck with a losing trade.

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